Thursday, July 9, 2009

Autophagy: The Active Process Behind mTOR Inhibition and Calorie Restriction

Today an intersting news came out about a long term study of calorie restriction in higher animals (monkeys). Interstingly calorie restriction increased 10-20% life span. Autophagy (a kind of cell suicide) activated in both mTOR inhibition with Rapamycin and calorie restriction conditions, where some of our body cells (adipose tissue/fat) open up and used for generating energy to the body. In other way, if we stop this process by excess feeding, a kind of stress (ER stress) generated. This sustained stress leads to pancreas beta-cell failure and metabolic syndrome (diabetes, high blood pleassure, cardiovascular disease). High fat deposits also leads coronary heart disease. Calorie restriction and exercise helpful to improve this condition.